Show Notes
The holiday season often makes me feel sentimental. Because of that, I present to you all, dear listeners, a very special episode. Not special in the way that it is my best work, or in the way that is a particularly "good" analysis. This episode is special to me because it is the first podcast episode that I have ever recorded. It is a small piece of history and an example of how far this show has come. I recorded this only to share with two to three people as an example of the show that I might start to regularly publish. And now, I would like to share it with you all for the first time.
Please be kind and know that we all start from somewhere. Being that this episode was a practice exercise for myself, it is nowhere near the product of what I would hope to release. The audio quality is not great. I was nervous. I had no idea what I was doing. But we all start somewhere, right?
Additionally, I would like to say that this will be the last episode of The Final Girl on 6th Ave for the year 2023. I will taking the month of December off to spend time with family and relax. I look forward to bringing you all of the spooky arthouse content you all enjoy with a fresh mind in January 2024!